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Health Direct | Stop Counting Calories, Use Your Body's Natural Rhythms To Lose Weight

Stop Counting Calories Use Intermittent Fasting To Lose Weight

The science behind Intermittent Fasting is simple: when you fast, your body enters a metabolic state called ketosis that helps you burn fat more efficiently. This means fewer cravings and more weight loss over time. Intermittent fasting has other long-term health benefits, like improving cognitive performance, boosting immunity, and reducing inflammation. Intermittent fasting also activates autophagy - the body’s natural process of detoxification.
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Health Direct | How Are Your Resolutions Holding Up?

How Are Your Resolutions Holding Up?

We start with the best of intentions, but sometimes it takes big lifestyle changes to achieve your New Year's resolutions.  We have some simple tips to help re-dedicate yourself to your health aspirations.
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The adaptogens in Ashwagandha can help relieve that wound up and bound up reaction to stress.

Wound Up and Bound Up?

Stress can dramatically impact your digestive health!  If you find yourself wound up and bound up, there are effective ways to balance stress and let that sh*t go. Ashwagandha, a time-tested adaptogen, helps mitigate excess cortisol and disrupted serotonin production to ease anxiety, and enhance gut health. 
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Health Direct | Number One and Number Two Create a Healthier You

Number One and Number Two Create a Healthier You

Discover the secrets of digestion and learn what your poop and pee reveal about your health. Get tips on diet, hydration, and maintaining a healthy digestive system. Read on to explore the complete guide and transform your understanding of digestive health!

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